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Mica from Sholgran Pakistan


Mica from Sholgran Pakistan

Physical Properties

1- Color: Mica from Sholgran typically exhibits a range of colors, including shades of black, brown, green, yellow, and sometimes clear or colorless. The black variety, often referred to as biotite, is particularly prominent.

2- Luster: This mineral has a shiny, pearly, or vitreous luster, giving it a distinctive sparkle.

3- Cleavage: Mica is well-known for its perfect basal cleavage, meaning it can be easily split into thin, flexible, and transparent sheets.

4- Hardness: On the Mohs scale, mica typically ranks between 2.5 and 3, making it relatively soft and easy to work with.

5- Transparency: Mica can range from transparent to translucent depending on its thickness.

Chemical Composition

Mica is a silicate mineral, primarily composed of potassium, aluminum, silicon, oxygen, and hydrogen. The black mica, or biotite, specifically contains iron and magnesium in its chemical structure, contributing to its dark color.

Formation and Occurrence

Mica in Sholgran is often found in metamorphic rocks, such as schist and gneiss, and in igneous rocks, like granite and pegmatites. The region's geological conditions, including high-grade metamorphism and intrusive igneous bodies, provide an ideal environment for mica formation.


1- Industrial Applications: Due to its electrical insulating properties and heat resistance, mica is widely used in electronics, particularly in capacitors and as an insulator in various electrical devices.

2- Construction Materials: Mica is used in the production of drywall joint compounds, and paints, and as an additive in plaster.

3- Cosmetics: The shimmering quality of mica makes it a popular ingredient in makeup products, such as eyeshadows, lipsticks, and nail polishes.

4- Decorative Purposes: Mica's attractive appearance lends itself to being used in decorative elements and art.

Economic Significance

The mica deposits in Sholgran are an important economic resource for the region. Mining activities related to mica contribute to local employment and the economy, providing raw materials for both domestic use and export.

In summary, mica from Sholgran, Pakistan, is a valuable mineral known for its diverse applications, distinctive physical properties, and significant contribution to the local economy.

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